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Russell H. Davis, Jr., born Pikeville, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 1981, Kentucky; also admitted to practice before U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit; U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky. Preparatory education, University of Kentucky (B.S.A., 1978); legal education, Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Northern Kentucky University (J.D., 1981). Fraternity: Phi Alpha Delta. City Attorney, Pikeville, Kentucky, 1986-. Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association (Board member, 2003); Kentucky Defense Council. Laws of PracticeDefense ~ Civil and Trial Practice • Corporation • Banking • Real Estate Law •
Insurance • Probate • Workers' Compensation Law • Federal Black Lung Law
Address162 Second Street Pikeville, KY 41501 P.O. Box 351, Pikeville, KY 41501 Pike County
PhoneTelephone: (606) 437-6276 Facsimile: 437-6383, 437-5372
EmailWebsiteREFERENCE:Community Trust Bank.
BAIRD & BAIRD, P.S.C. Telephone: (606) 437-6276 Facsimiles: (606) 437-6383, 437-5372 E-Mail: Send E-mailWebsite: www.bairdandbaird.com162 Second Street P.O. Box 351 (Z.C. 41502-0351) PIKEVILLE, KENTUCKY 41501 Telephone: (859) 224-7750 Facsimile: (859) 224-1031 841 Corporate Drive, Suite 101 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40503-5422 | Defense ~ Civil and Trial Practice • Corporation • Banking • Real Estate Law • Insurance • Probate • Workers' Compensation Law • Federal Black Lung Law
| William J. Baird (1913-1987) | William J. Baird, III, born Pike County, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 1969, Kentucky; also admitted to practice before U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit; U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky. Preparatory education, Pikeville College (B.S., 1966); legal education, University of Kentucky College of Law (J.D., 1969). Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association. | John H. Baird, born Pike County, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 1971, Kentucky. Preparatory education, Morehead State University (B.S., 1968); legal education, University of Louisville School of Law (J.D., 1971). Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association. | Charles J. Baird, born Pike County, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 1975, Kentucky. Preparatory education, Transylvania University (B.A., 1972); legal education, University of Kentucky College of Law (J.D., 1975). Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association. | Russell H. Davis, Jr., born Pikeville, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 1981, Kentucky; also admitted to practice before U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit; U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky. Preparatory education, University of Kentucky (B.S.A., 1978); legal education, Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Northern Kentucky University (J.D., 1981). Fraternity: Phi Alpha Delta. City Attorney, Pikeville, Kentucky, 1986-. Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association (Board member, 2003); Kentucky Defense Council. | Lois A. Kitts, born South Williamson, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 1993, Kentucky. Preparatory education, Morehead State University (B.A., 1990); legal education, Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Northern Kentucky University (J.D., 1993). Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association. | Virginia Baird, born Prestonsburg, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 1995, Kentucky; also admitted to practice before U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky. Preparatory education, Hanover College (B.A., 1990); legal education, Thomas M. Cooley Law School (J.D., 1994). Fraternity: Delta Theta Phi. Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association. | James M. Kennedy, born Lexington, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 1988, Kentucky; also admitted to practice before U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit; U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky. Preparatory education, University of Kentucky (B.B.A., Finance, 1984); legal education, University of Kentucky College of Law (J.D., 1987). Fraternity: Phi Delta Phi (Exchequer). Member: Fayette County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association. | William J. Baird, IV, born Pikeville, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 2002, Kentucky; also admitted to practice before U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky. Preparatory education, University of Kentucky (B.A., History, 1998); legal education, Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Northern Kentucky University (J.D., 2002). Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association. | David L. Baird, born Pikeville, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 2005, Kentucky. Preparatory education, Miami University (B.S., Finance, 2002); legal education, Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Northern Kentucky University (J.D., 2005). Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association. | Sarah K. McGuire, born Pikeville, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 2002, Kentucky. Preparatory education, Transylvania University (B.A., Computer Science, 1997); legal education, University of Kentucky College of Law (J.D., 2002). Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association. | Ryan M. Stratton, born Pikeville, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 2013, Kentucky. Preparatory education, Pikeville College (B.A., History/Political Science/Religion, 2009); legal education, Appalachian School of Law (J.D., 2013). Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association. | Ryan D. Thompson, born Pike County, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 2014, Kentucky. Preparatory education, Eastern Kentucky University (B.A., 2014); legal education, Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Northern Kentucky University (J.D., 2014). Fraternity: Pi Kappa Alpha. Gano Baptist Church, Georgetown, Kentucky. Member: Kentucky Bar Association. | J. Russell Hill, born Pikeville, Kentucky; admitted to bar, 2010, Kentucky. Preparatory education, University of Kentucky (B.A., 2005); legal education, Appalachian School of Law (J.D., 2008). Member: Pike County Bar Association; Kentucky Bar Association. | REFERENCE: Community Trust Bank. |
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